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What is Remote Personal Training and Coaching and What are the Benefits to Online training?

Written by Coach Paige

We believe that rehabilitation and training for performance are one in the same. They may fall on different ends of the spectrum of athleticism, but the process of progression is identical. It’s about understanding your weaknesses, learning how to move your body well, and building capacity and durability with progressive overload to handle whatever life throws at you. Whether you are a former athlete or a recreational one, whether you are currently going to the gym with the same old training routine from 10 years ago or perhaps that nagging knee pain after running sprints keeps coming back -technology has a way to help you. With telehealth and online personal training, the trainer and P.T. can come to you! Whether on your laptop, ipad or cell phone, virtual physical therapy and fitness coaching provides flexibility and expert knowledge at an affordable price.

Hi Friends! I am Coach Paige, the movement specialists and strength coach at Rooted in M.V.M.N.T. Together both Dr. Matt Zanis, DPT and myself have been helping the residents of the greater Phoenix area overcome injuries and get stronger for over a decade! Over the years we have helped many individuals enhance their movement capacity and performance by cultivating opportunities to develop a wide array of possibilities to change their physical shape or expand their movement bandwidth. This blog is aimed at helping you get a better understanding of how we make that possible through technology and our virtual fitness services. I will tell you more about the online training programs we offer as well as what is involved, what to expect with the program, and finally how easy it is to get started today.

Rooted in MVMNT is located in Scottsdale, AZ and is a top trusted source by locals for all things movement related, but we also cater to seasonal residents, athletes who travel for games and other clients and patients who travel often for work. For this reason we have long since needed a way to help those on the road when they couldn’t see us live and in person. For the past 5 years we have been using the various advances in technology possible for us to offer the same, customized exercises and movement interventions to people across the country. Those who can’t come to our physical location and work with us in person can access us online whenever it is convenient for their schedules and time zones.

The benefits to investing in an online athletic trainer or physical therapist:

  •         Flexibility: Workout on your schedule when it suits you best
  •         Affordability: A monthly program is about one-third of the cost compared to working with a professional on site in Arizona.
  •         Accountability: biweekly check-in calls allow you to communicate directly with your coach or provider to discuss progress and upcoming workouts or therapeutic interventions
  •         Customized Workouts: a full evaluation and assessment is performed prior to starting any exercises so that any movement dysfunctions can be addressed
  •         Digital: each workout offers an exercise video demonstration along with written coaching cues so you can be sure to move optimally and without pain
  •         Access: Our innovative app delivers an easy-to-use, intuitive interface that allows you to set reminders to stay on track and is compatible with all devices 

With all these valuable offerings you can see why many are choosing to get started with their physical therapy and athletic training with my colleague Dr. Matt and I! Let’s take a look at the first steps and what you can expect.

‍Initial Consultation and Discovery Call:

This first call is all about getting to know You! Your attitude, beliefs, demeanor, and the way you think are directly impacted by how you move. How you move is a direct reflection of how you think. Physical transformations require making mistakes, unlearning old patterns and relearning new ways of moving through life. We provide quality and consistent communication that encourages you to do a deeper dive into what intrinsically motivates YOU to make these transformations.


Common things that are discussed include:

  •         What do you want from your investment: optimal sports performance, improved mobility, strength gains, fat loss, enhance athletic capacity, or increased energy, etc
  •         What drives you: having lots of money, family, creating art, high achiever, living a pain free life, people pleaser, examining budget sheet and numbers, etc
  •         Movement history: Sports you’ve played, experiences with any previous trainers or coaches hired, or what your relationship to exercise has been like, past injuries and any surgeries 
  •         Movement Environment: most hated exercises and favorite ones, where you will be doing your exercises, access to equipment, duration of time available to move, frequency across the week or month etc.

We live for transformations, not transactions. Our priority is to communicate, build connections, and develop rapport so that you feel comfortable moving in new ways. From there, it’s all about co-creating the mindset of strength so that the long-term practices can create impactful results. After the consultation we will review the investment and package options to determine which is best for your situation and your goals.


Next up-The Evaluation and Assessment: 

We run diagnostics with all of our patients and clients when we encounter them for the very first time. We have to understand where you were, where you’re currently at, and where you want to go to establish a positive trend of movement health. Next you will schedule your first virtual video call with your physical therapist or trainer. This live video call, along with additional videos you submit to the portal, help us in determining what to start with and how to prioritize exercises in your phase 1 of the program. Your provider might ask you to perform some specific bodyweight exercises so they can study your pattern of movement in real time so be ready with comfortable athletic clothes you can easily move in. 

Finally, the Training Program and Coaching Container: Exercise selection requires a contextual lens. Based on your specific functional limitations, environment, and history will dictate how your training program is designed. This creates mindfulness in your training and restores confidence in your body. 

Everything is customized and tailored to what you want as well as what your coach suggests that you need. Once your trainer provides you with your workout plan, you will receive an email to navigate logging in and establishing your password. There is a direct messaging feature that allows you to communicate with your private coach at anytime;however, with all of our online individual programs we have included two 30-minute check-in calls to schedule with your trainer or provider.  This feature is great for high levels of communication and quickly allows the participant to overcome potential obstacles or barriers to being successful.

The innovative application allows you to view a virtual video demonstration of how the exercise is done. There will also be written customized cues that are specific to executing the movement well. The program will suggest the number of repetitions to perform for each drill as well as how many sets to do. There is also a handy built-in timer for those exercises that are done in a circuit or specifically for metabolic conditioning.  Each workout will involve a warm-up or preparatory exercises and finish with a cool-down stretch and sometimes a guided meditation. There is a high level of accountability because you log each one of your workouts. This sends an email update to the coach so we know where you are at in your program. This information is helpful as it provides a fast and easy way to get feedback or encouragement outside of the biweekly check-in calls. 


Getting started with an online virtual coach is easier than ever. Online athletic and personal training is a rapidly evolving way to enhance performance in sport or move pain free for life. It is a great option for those who travel often and need a more budget savvy option. I have worked with clients all over the valley for over 10 years and this was one of the best ways to keep my clients active and highly accountable so we can practically guarantee results. Our programs focus on the fundamentals of movement by establishing quality movement patterns and sequencing, and then build strength and power training upon that foundation. 

Are you ready to join hundreds of others in mastering your M.V.M.N.T. and take your physical health and vitality to the level of expectation you demand everywhere else.

click here. If you are ready for your individual customized functional athletic training program designed by a certified, well-trained, and digitally-comfortable professional in the fitness and medical industry. *no purchase necessary at this time. Fill out the form and we will get back to you within 24 hours to schedule your first consultation and discovery call. We can’t wait to get to know you better and take your physical health to the next level.


Coach Paige Fleischmann has over 11 years experience in coaching movement and fitness. Her specialties include rehabilitation to regain range of movement post injury, applying strength principals to women who are hypermobile as well as incorporating the physiology of neurology and respiration to help move more efficiently and produce high levels of power. Her vision is to blend concepts from many different therapeutic modalities with different strength training protocols in order to deliver a customized and individualized approach to her clients. If you are looking to learn more about her and her methods, set up a consultation today!


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