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Reverse Engineer your Goals


"Our lives are like rose bushes. As a rose bush grows, it creates more buds than it can sustain. If you talk to an experienced gardener, they will tell you that rose bushes need to be pruned to bring out the best in both their appearance and their performance. In other words, if you want a rose bush to thrive, then you need to cut away some of the good buds so the great ones can fully blossom." ~James Clear

Goal setting is not only about choosing the rewards you want to enjoy, but also the costs you are willing to pay. Rarely do people understand that the outcome is based on having a process, but if you dislike the process then you will likely burn out or never achieve your goal.

I have worked with hundreds of people and spent many years trying to help clients achieve their goals. The system I have used to assist with goal achievement has positively evolved over 10 years. I use to use the old traditional goal setting approach asking questions such as :

"What is the problem...

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3 uncommon benefits of Cold Water Exposure

5 years ago I took a course called the Wim Hof Method. At the time many professional athletes and biohackers were saying it was the best thing out there. Special breath techniques and ice baths were combined to deliver a full workshop with the science behind it, education on why it is beneficial and an integrated experience that left a lasting imprint on my mind. 

Cold water exposure, also known as cold water therapy or cold water immersion is trending at perhaps here to stay. The attention in recent years is due to its health benefits and many companies now specialize in making an ice bath suitable for installing at home.
While most people associate cold water with discomfort, there is growing evidence to suggest that exposing oneself to cold water can yield several uncommon advantages. Below I will outline and explore three lesser-known benefits of cold water exposure, namely enhanced immune function, improved mental well-being, and increased...
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Is Sitting the New Smoking? 10 Postures of Rest to Combat Poor Posture

We've all heard that sitting is the new smoking. And as work has shifted to the digital space people do a LOT of sitting these day. Although there may be some truth to it, there are many postures of rest we can utilize to ensure our sedentary lifestyles do not negatively affect our posture. Before getting into our 10 best postures of rest lets first touch on whether sitting is better for you than standing. A common new trend among working professionals is standing at their desk. Breaking free of the seated cubicle lifestyle has changed the design of many workspaces which now include standing desks. Do these standing features negate the negatives of sitting in an office chair? Not entirely, in fact it is remaining in a sedentary position that is the issue regardless of standing or sitting. Keeping your body in one of Rooted in M.V.M.N.T's 10 best postures of rest can help negate the negative effects and help you maintain great posture!

Let's dive in with a quick video...

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The Best Way to Improve Shoulder Workouts, Relieve Pain, and Spring Announcements!

Improving Your Shoulder Workouts

We have a pretty big handful of clients and patients that come through our doors that need help with their shoulder issues. Neck and nerve impingements, shoulder blade function, tight traps, rotator cuff pain, tendonitis - there's a lot that can go wrong with your shoulder due to the large of degree of freedom the arms possess, but there's usually a common theme as to why these people haven’t seen any good results from other health practitioners or body workers. We know that where the pain is is NOT where the problem is and it’s why we focus on Root cause solutions. 

It’s why we created a new digital course product just for you. If you have been struggling to get out of pain and are looking to improve your shoulder strength, mobility and stability, then you will want to download this new course. In this latest shoulder course, Dr. Matt will guide you through the anatomy of the shoulder, provide self-assessments and then...

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5 Reasons Failure Is a Good Thing

Shin guards used to only be worn by those on mountain bikes or by people playing soccer. Now, they are marketed to crossfit athletes and many powerlifters. Why is that? Because when you are doing box jumps you can have a missed rep and hit your shin on the wood or metal frame. The same is true for when you are using a barbell to do your heavy deadlifts.  A barbell can scrape against your lower leg and sometimes lead to bleeding. OUCH!  I find it interesting that people feel the need to use a sock, sleeve or guard for protection while working out in the gym. The shin guard doesn’t lead to more success in powerlifting and certainly doesn’t mean you will improve at Crossfit. How could someone learn to lift their feet high enough when jumping or realize that their barbell deadlifts are getting sloppy because they are fatigued if they are always protected from the pain of their mistakes?  I see pain as a teacher and I also view our failures as valuable and...

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5 Reasons to start exercising after age 55

5 Reasons to start exercising after age 55


What are your dreams for aging gracefully? Do you believe that getting older has to hurt? Are you being told to slow down or take it easy by your primary care? Many of the clients I have worked with come to me when they start enjoying more time with Grandkids and want to be able to move and play with them. I don’t think pain should be an association with old age. In fact, I am a firm believer that age is just a number, and we are only as old as we act. Below are 5 reasons to start exercising in your later years.


  1. Restore your central nervous system by focusing on your breath. As you age, your brain and nervous system go through natural changes. Your brain and spinal cord lose nerve cells and weight (atrophy). Nerve cells may begin to pass messages more slowly than in the past. Waste products can collect in the brain tissue as nerve cells break down. Breakdown of nerves can affect your senses. You might have reduced...
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FOOT HEALTH 101: The Basics to Functional Footwear for Men & Women

FOOT HEALTH 101: The Basics to Functional Footwear for Men & Women

Looks can be deceiving, why aesthetics are not the only reason to purchase a shoe.

The short-term comfort of foam and air is having a long-term effect on our health. Most shoes are made to look cool and trendy and demand you get another pair of sneakers to add to your collection. Big shoe companies make claims that their shoes can even enhance your performance by increasing efficiency and reducing injury when you run. They use fun color schemes and fancy sparkles and try to convince you that your foot can't perform well without it.  If these products really did help you run better then why didn't I take first place in my relay race I did a few years back? If your shoes can take away your heel pain then why are we still selling orthotics to people? They try to make you think that their technology in footwear is a necessity for your moving life. But I think the most incredible piece of technology to...

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