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FOOT HEALTH 101: The Basics to Functional Footwear for Men & Women

FOOT HEALTH 101: The Basics to Functional Footwear for Men & Women

Looks can be deceiving, why aesthetics are not the only reason to purchase a shoe.

The short-term comfort of foam and air is having a long-term effect on our health. Most shoes are made to look cool and trendy and demand you get another pair of sneakers to add to your collection. Big shoe companies make claims that their shoes can even enhance your performance by increasing efficiency and reducing injury when you run. They use fun color schemes and fancy sparkles and try to convince you that your foot can't perform well without it.  If these products really did help you run better then why didn't I take first place in my relay race I did a few years back? If your shoes can take away your heel pain then why are we still selling orthotics to people? They try to make you think that their technology in footwear is a necessity for your moving life. But I think the most incredible piece of technology to...

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