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5 Reasons to start exercising after age 55

5 Reasons to start exercising after age 55


What are your dreams for aging gracefully? Do you believe that getting older has to hurt? Are you being told to slow down or take it easy by your primary care? Many of the clients I have worked with come to me when they start enjoying more time with Grandkids and want to be able to move and play with them. I don’t think pain should be an association with old age. In fact, I am a firm believer that age is just a number, and we are only as old as we act. Below are 5 reasons to start exercising in your later years.


  1. Restore your central nervous system by focusing on your breath. As you age, your brain and nervous system go through natural changes. Your brain and spinal cord lose nerve cells and weight (atrophy). Nerve cells may begin to pass messages more slowly than in the past. Waste products can collect in the brain tissue as nerve cells break down. Breakdown of nerves can affect your senses. You might have reduced...
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